Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chapter Eleven: Amber as far as thy can see

The party rests at the campsite of the defeated Mountain Folk.  They take heed of the dead prisoner's warning and stay clear from the doors to the north of the room.  They venture out into the great hall and enter the doors directly across from their room.  They find a large room with a hole dug into the floor.  They notice hand holds have been cut to make traversing the pit easier.  Bjorn investigates a room to the south and finds an old barracks.  Roger looks down the hole.

Gilly, Vannan and Lideydri search a corridor to the north, passing a closed door, and reach a set of open double doors at the other end.  A large amber statue turns toward them and clenches a fist.  Gilly attempts to shut the door but the amber golem is able to push its way into the door way.  Vannan rushes forward to attack but his sword is ineffective.  Lideydri moves forward and attacks with her sunsword.  Gilly asks others to come and help.  Roger dashes to see what the halfing needs.  Bjorn slowly makes his way to the corridor.  Vannan and Lideydri continue to stave off the statue until Bjorn can get into place alongside Lideydri.  Gilly springs in to attack and sneaks back.  Roger hurls magic missiles.  Gilly convinces Vannan to throw his spear.  Lideydri fumbles her sword attack and becomes slowed by the statues thunderclap.  Bjorn picks of the slack and crushes the statue with his hammer.  Gilly pockets some of the broken pieces of amber.

Roger wanders away to the north onto a balcony.  He continues into a room with a broken obsidian statue.  Bjorn and the other follow.  Roger also finds a secret door and the party deliberates whether to follow the smell of death or not.  They decide to find the source of the stench and descend a stair case.  Lideydri peers into a room and finds seven undead humanoids with three eyes, climbing walls and ceilings.  She and Bjorn take up positions around the doorway to outmaneuver their foes.  Roger sets off a fireball in the room.  The ghasts are dispatched in short order with the hammering from the paladins with Vannan and Gilly offering missile fire from behind.

Inside they find three glowing amber sarcophogi.  Lideydri attempts to destroy one but is unable to affect the standing amorphic tombs.  Roger and the paladins feel like the sarcophogi are beckoning to them but resist any urges.  Kasimir enters the room and touches one of the tombs.  He seems to be communicating with something inside the amber.  The paladins pull him away.  Kasimir wants to continue his conversation but the party convinces him to leave these evil pods alone.

The party then enters the closed door from the corridor.  They find a auditorium with lit lanthorns.  Gilly investigates the podium and finds a burnt human man.  He said his name is Vilnius and he is very scared of the evil in this temple.  He has been eating vermin to survive.  He talks of flaming skulls that killed his master and other constructs that lurk the halls.  When the party tells him that they have defeated the amber golem he asks if he may leave.  The party makes way for the man and allows him an easy exit.

When he is gone, the party returns to the hole in the floor.  Lideydri goes down a rope but quickly comes back up after seeing more sarcophogi and floating skulls alight with green flame.  The party prepares for battle and are hit by fireballs.  The paladins do as much healing as they can as the skulls continue to hit them with fire spells.  Roger casts some cold orbs at them, Bjorn attempts to turn them and the others use their ranged weapons.  Then Roger's wild magic causes Lideydri to rise into the air and she is launched toward the final skull, crushing it into a wall.  The party decides to return to the auditorium and heal up for a while.  Vannan recalls that he remembers that these evil sentries are able to reform after a short period unless holy water is poured over their crushed remains.  The paladins are happy to douse the bones with their mandatory stash of holy water.

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