Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Chapter 6: Piccolo Rides Again (if only)

The party hangs out at the Arasek stockyards until evening.  They then search the wagon.  Vannan communicates with the beast within to learn it was trained to kill and eat Vistani.  They feed it some boar meat as Rictavio has not been around for a few days now.  Gilly searches the wagon seat as Piccolo mentioned and finds nothing.  Lideydri assists and they find a hidden compartment.  They see a lot of werewolf and vampire hunting gear along with the Sun Sword.  They leave most of the contents beside the Sun Sword and a prayer book.  The party also includes a note for Rictavio with various comments made in a haphazard way.

They head back to the Inn and have an uneventful night other than learning there is another crossroads just outside of town they might want to check out.

In the morning they head toward the Luna River and find a crossroads with a broken sign.  They mended the sign.  Lideydri found a slab stone mysteriously by itself in an otherwise grassy area.  It bares the name "Elisabeta" upon it.  Lideydri learns that she can now active the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind which now creates sunlight.  After much debate the party allows Victor to dig up the site and they found a coffin inside.  Gilly opened the box up and found a book with a thick leather cover.  The pages are very brittle and the writing is mostly illegible.  Victor noticed a passage and reads it aloud as best he could.

Victor said the book is the Tome if Strahd.  Written by the vampire himself it chronicles how he killed his brother Sergei so he wouldn't marry Tatyana.  Strahd wanted Tatyana for himself.  Tatyana flung herself off a cliff and was never seen again.  That is when Strahd became undead.

"I am ancient.  I am the land...  I was the warrior, I was good and just...

I still lust for life and youth, and I curse the living that took them from me.  Even the sun is against me.  It is the sun and it's light I fear the most, but little else can harm me now.  Even a stake through my heart does not kill me, though it holds me from movement.  But the sword, that cursed sword that Sergei brought!  I must dispose of that awful tool!  I fear and hate it as much as the sun.

I now reside far below Ravenloft.  I live among the dead and sleep beneath the very stones of this hollow castle of despair.  I shall seal shut the walls of the stairs that none may disturb me."

The party stopped by the Vistani camp on their way back to Vallaki.  They found a hill with buildings around the base and wagons and a tent at the top.  They heard a whip and a scream from the top of the hill.  They found gray elves (dusk elves) living in the buildings and are told to speak with Kasimir, the chief dusk elf.  He is an emotionless old elf who speaks about how Strahd came to Barovia and trapped the dusk elves along with the Barovians.  Strahd took his sister, Patrina, as a bride.  Kasimir killed her to spare her from Strahd.  In return Strahd had all the female dusk elves killed.  Now the dusk elves are a broken people that keep a low profile and have no desire to incur Strahd's wrath again.  He says that he had heard of Elisabeta, the only bride of Strahd to have escaped Ravenloft many years ago.

The party told Kasimir that they are also no friend of Strahd.  Kasimir invited the party to accompany him to the Amber Temple.  The secret to breaking Strahd's pact and freeing Barovia from the curse might be hidden there.  Also, a way to bring his sister back to life may be possible. The party asked for a rain check and learn that Arrigal is in the tent above.

They go by the passed out drunken Vistani around the wagon and go into the tent.  They found a huge man whipping a teenage boy tied to the center pike of the tent.  "Easy brother," a smaller Vistani said to the brute.  "I think Alexi has learned his lesson."  This turns out to be Arrigal and the larger man is Luvash.  Luvash is upset at Alexi for allowing his daughter, Arabelle, to be taken while they were away.  Many Vistani and dusk elves were out searching for her.  Arrigal also mentions that their shipments of wine had stopped from The Wizard of Wines.  He would pay handsomely if the adventurers could bring them wine.  That is what keeps him in power at the camp and without wine the Vistani could become hostile.  Luvash also says he will reward the party if they find Arabelle.

The party headed back to Vallaki and stop at the church.  They talk to Father Lucian who takes them aside and tells them that bone relics had been stolen from the church a few days earlier.  No one besides himself knew the bones were even in the church.  He may have mentioned them to the alter boy, Yeska.  Yeska admits that he told someone of the bones existence but wouldn't divulge a name.  The party convinces the boy to share who he told as recovering the bones was good for the parish.  Yeska said it was Graves Keeper Willie that he had told.  The party confronts Willie in the graveyard.  After some defiance, Willie admits that Henrik the coffin maker had paid him to take the bones.   Willie only did it to feed with sister and brothers.  He took the party to the coffin maker's shop and was sent home.

Bjorn immediately slams his warhammer upon the door and bashes his way in.  Henrik cowers in fear.  He says that Strahd tricked him into allowing his shop to be used as a lair for dark creatures.  When Willie told Henrik about the church relics, the creatures commanded Henrik to retrieve them.
The bones were up in his wardrobe and the lair was also on the second floor.  The party sent Henrik to go to the church.  Henrik then disappears, maybe following their orders.

Bjorn leads the way through the house until Lideydri rushes past them once they find the source of evil.  She opens a crate which was filled with dirt.  Vampire spawn burst out from the crates creating plumes of dust.  Bjorn takes the brunt of the damage in the fight.  Lideydri can now also activate the SunSword, "Lords of light!"  Many vampires spawn fall prone in the fight and are quickly dispatched.  Gilly and Bjorn get some critical hits and the spawn are quickly dispatched.  The relic bones are returned to the church.

After recovering the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, the Sun Sword and the Tome of Strahd, along with recovering the bones of St. Andral, the party member each advance two levels.  Everyone may update their characters to Level 5.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Chapter 5: Madame Eva

The party reunites and Roger is given the Wand of the War Mage.  They continue on to the Tser Pool and find a bonfire with some gypsies sitting near tents and wagons.  They greet the Vistani and share boar and wine together.  A story teller tells them a tale about a wizard who attempted to defeat Strahd but failed.  His body however was never found.  He then invites the party to visit Madame Eva who sits in the largest tent.

They find an old crone with a crystal ball and a crackling voice.  She welcomes them all and says their names and mentions some of their deeds.  They she pulls out a deck of cards and reads their collective futures.

1.  "This card tells the history.  Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy.  Ewww...  They seven of coins, the Thief.  What you seek lies at the crossroads of life and death, among the buried dead."

2.  "This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope.  It is the two of stars, the Diviner.  Look to the one who sees all.  The treasure is hidden in her camp.  Ha ha!  I think the treasure is under my very nose!"

3.  "This is a card of power and strength.  It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight!  The seven of stars, the Illusionist."  A hidden smile can be slightly detected.  "A man is not what he seems.  He comes here in a carnival wagon.  Therein lies what you seek."

4.  "This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.  Oh woe!  It is the Horseman Joker.  A man of death named Arrigal will forsake his dark lord to serve your cause.  Beware!  He has a rotten soul."

5. "Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality.  This card will lead you to him!  Ahhhhhh...  The king of Spades, the Darklord himself.  He lurks in the depths of darkness, in the one place to which he must return."

"Welp, there you have it.  Be on your way and good luck."  She quickly falls asleep.

The party returns to the bonfire and asks some questions.  Roger searches the camp and find the holy symbol hidden in the wheel of one of the wagons.  They learn the Vistani have an ancient agreement with Strahd and Arrigal resides in the camp outside of Vallaki.  They stay the night and head back to Vallaki in the morning.

They come upon the crossroads with the gallows once again now noticing the small graveyard next to it.  They inspect the gravestones and search the walls.  Gilley digs up one of the graves and finds bones.  Bjorn believes the area is blessed.  After further discussion they give up their search in this place and head back to Vallaki.  They find a body, mauled by dire wolves.  Grimtooth shrugs.  While burying the remains a group of Barovians approach them.  They were apparently looking for Harold who had gone missing.  They are peasants and thank the party for starting a hole.  Bjorn asks if they know anything about the graveyard at the crossroads.  The farmers say that it is a place of the ancients who fought Strahd when he first arrived and they nearly defeated them.  It is a holy place and Barovians are unfit to be buried next to those valiant ones.

The party reaches Vallaki and inspect Rictavio's wagon.  Some inside growls and shakes the wagon fiercely.  The party decide to sleep on it after learning Rictavio is absent from town.  The next morning they go to Blinsky's Toy Shop.  Blinsky is alone there with only Piccolo as company.  He welcomes them again and offers his toys to Lideydri.  She buys a little gallow figure.  He says he knows not where Rictavio might be.  Vannan talks to Piccolo who becomes excited when he hears the name Rictavio.  Vannan learns that there is a saber tooth tiger in the wagon that has been trained to kill Vistani.  Rictavio is a spell caster.  There is a sword in the seat-case of the wagon.

The party heads over to the stockyard where the carnival wagon is and meets Gunther and Yelena.  They rent a shed next to the wagon and decide to wait until later to see if Rictavio shows up to feed the tiger.

Side adventure: Tower of the Mad Mage

After defeating the wolves, LaDeidre realizes she has left her whet stone at the Blue Falls Inn.  Her and others from the party decide to head back to town to retrieve it and other supplies.  Vannan and Gilley decided to stay and learn more about the huge creature Vannan seems to have bonded with.  They notice a few building up the road and decide to investigate.  One is a tavern which Vannan is very pleased to find.  They enter and are greeted to much drinking and gambling.  Shortly into their drink a goblin bursts in, bloodied and exhausted.  He ask for help and promises great riches.  The bartender demands the adventure-ers take him to the constable.  Instead, Vannan heals the goblin and they learn his name is Sqwelch.  They run into the constable that demands that the goblin be turned over to her.  Vannan questions the officer of the law and Gilley eventually brides the constable.  They find a room to sleep in for the night.  Sqwelch talks about how his tribe found a tower and Sqwelch was told to scout it out.  He found a dragon at the top laying on a hoard of treasure.  Glubnose, the goblin chief, decides to attack the dragon.  They defeat (kill) the beast and take the tower as their castle.  However, Glubnose does not share the booty equally and Sqwlech puts up a fuss.  He is beaten and nearly killed for doing so.

Sqwelch asks the two if they will assist him at rooting Glubnose out for an equal share of the treasure.  Gilley tries to negotiate the split but quickly finds that Sqwelch is really bad with numbers.  They agree to take on this adventure as it should not take long.  They make their way to the tower and kill so boars along the way.  They find a naked man, Jai Copperstaff, trapped under a tree.  They free him.  Later that night Jai transforms into a wererat and scampers away when the party does not attack him.

They reach the tower and surprise two goblin guards badly guarding the entrance.  The continue in and find many wolves guarding the next room.  Vannan has Grimtooth attempt to dominate the wolves but fail.  They lure the wolves out of the room with boar meat and after the feast the wolves run off into the wild.

They enter another room and find axe beaks, strange ostrich creature with clever-like beaks.  After defeating these foul fowl, they go up to the next level and find a room with eerie pipe music and a desk with a locked drawer.  When Gilley tries to unlock the desk, the air elemental stops playing the pipes and manifests.  They are able to defeat the swirling dervish of dust and cobwebs.  They find some gold pieces and magical goggles in the drawer.

They continue on to the next room, a study of some sort.  Here they find a book shelf with a diary for Hugo Harpwell.  When they try to open the book it spring for spider-like legs and begins running around the room yelling, "No, no, no, no!"  Vannan captures the diary and it screams, "Noooooo!" and turns to dust.  They also find boring books of no interest until they see one called The Book of Wondrous Answers.  A few pages have scribblings of questions with a fancy scripted reply.  Three pages remain blank.

They enter the third floor and a kitchen with a dead goblin.  They investigate the room.  Vannan seems suspicious and soon the pots and cleaves on the wall begin to rattle.  They escape the room before they must fight the cutlery.

They reach the top floor and Gilley runs in to find the goblins led by Glubnose.  As the sides are about the fight a great crash can be heard overhead.  "The dragon has returned!" exclaims one of the goblins.  A count down begins as the dragon begins to bust its way through the roof.  Gilley decides to capture some of the dragon's treasure and grabs a handful of loot.  She is attacked.  Vannan and Grimtooth decide the dragon is too dangerous and begin exiting the castle.  Sqwelch is badly damaged and flees.  Gilley is barely able to escape the room and they barricade the goblins to the top floor to meet their fate.

On the way out Gilley convinces Vannan to explore one more room since the dragon is occupied.  They attempt to open one more door that is actually an ooze that attacks them.  They are about to flee when Gilley thinks she sees some in the room behind the ooze.  Grimtooth bites the ooze and her mouth begins to sizzle from acid.  They are able to destroy the slime creature and find an invisible chest.  Here they find much treasure including a magical longsword called Whitherbrand and a Wand of the War mage.

They count themselves lucky and leave the tower.  They make their way back to the Gambling Golem to wait for their fellow party members to return.